Tyellas' News and Views Archive
Rants from past editions of the News and Views page. Tolkien fanfiction, the Lord of the Rings movies, and writing in general. Seventeen of these, they're stacking up.
What's It All About? - An overview of this web site, its purpose, and how readers approach sexuality in Tolkien. December 2002.
Infrequently Asked Questions - Will I, won't I, and why don't I. Online fanfiction community related questions, mostly. February 2003, expanded March 2003.
Why Elf Slash? - Reasons beyond "Legolas is so hot." March 2002.
The I-Word - Thoughts on incestuous pairings in my slash fanfiction. April 2002.
Kiwi Inspiration - You try and stop writing Tolkien fanfic if you live in Middle-Earth. April 2002.
Writers' Block and Eregion - Comments on One Ring to Bind Them and overcoming writers' block. May 2002.
FOTR Movie Close Calls - Gleaned gossip. May 2002.
Taken Seriously - The Road to Warm Beds Are Good - Comments on What Tolkien Officially Said About Elf Sex and Warm Beds are Good: Sex and Libido in Tolkien's Writing. August 2002.
Instant Translation Pop-Up Box Via Simple HTML - It's the HTML equivalent of falling off a log. August 2002.
Varied Fiction - Old, New, Borrowed - Slash miscellaney and what makes tired old ideas fresh and hot. September 2002.
Everything But the Girls - Writing women in adult Tolkien fanfiction. September 2002.
Beneath the Star of War - Why I expanded a slash series, Star-Crossed, though readers liked it just how it was. October 2002.
Slash in a Time of War - Some measured skepticism about Two Towers slash. November 2002.
Where Darkfic Comes From - Thoughts on reading and writing darkfic. February 2003.
A Year of Ansereg - A little bit about the ansereg AU and how a BDSM practice with gay sex could have anything at all to do with Middle-Earth. April 2003.
How I Quit Worrying And Learned To Love Legolas - Why some fans still love Legolas, despite the screaming 14-year-olds, and the paradox of his beauty. June 2003.
One Of Those Freaks, or Orcs Orcs Orcs - Thoughts about orcs in Tolkien. February 2004.
Magweth Pengolodh, or, One for My HoME-ies - The introduction to a long genfic story, also known as MPQP. September 2004.
Where Do We Go From Here? - What's going to happen to the LOTR fandom now that the ROTK extended edition DVD has come and gone. December 2004.
This Is For All the Fat Boys - The roles given to fat characters in Tolkien's fantasy writing - a rant that drew more reader response than the story posted at the same time. February 2005.
Obscure Character Fiction - With a big obscure story completed, I rant about why other authors should try their own obscure character stories for Middle-Earth fanfiction.
In the highly improbable event that you want more, you can visit The Byrchen Twigges, my Livejournal.